
Scientific Publications

Citing Ensembl

If you would like to include a general reference to the Ensembl system in your work, we recommend citing the most recent overview article. For more specialised aspects of our system, further articles are listed below.

Citing Ensembl Data

Since release 25, all Ensembl releases are being archived as fully functional sites for about two years. This makes it possible to accurately cite data being referred to in a paper, even though the main Ensembl site is being continuously updated (currently release 50 - Jul 2008). For more information see http://archive.ensembl.org/.

The Ensembl Genome Browser and Annotation System

Genome Research Ensembl Special

The May 2004 issue of Genome Research includes an Ensembl special covering detailed aspects of the Ensembl web site, the underlying scalable database system for storing genome sequence and annotation information, as well as the automated genome analysis and annotation pipeline.

Protocols to navigate Ensembl

Recent Developments


A description of the BioMart and EnsMart data mining tools.


A description of the generic tool for pairwise sequence comparison.

Genome Analysis and Annotation Publications


© 2024 Inserm. Hosted by genouest.org. This product includes software developed by Ensembl.

GermOnline based on Ensembl release 50 - Jul 2008